ANDU & PARTNERS Accompanied a Delegation from the Chinese Trademark Association to Vietnam for Investigation and Exchange
发布时间:2023-08-30 09:26:47 浏览数:307

On May 25th, ANDU & PARTNERS visited the Vietnam Intellectual Property Association with a delegation from the China Trademark Association and was Warmly welcomed.

During the visit, the President and Vice President of the Vietnam Intellectual Property Association led a delegation to visit the Association's president unit and held a symposium and exchange meeting. The Vietnamese Intellectual Property Association provided a detailed introduction to the investigation team of the China Trademark Association on the development history and future layout plan of intellectual property in recent years. The China Trademark Association also provided a detailed introduction to Vietnam on the revision of China's trademark law. The two sides conducted relevant exchanges on the similarities and differences of the trademark review systems between China and Vietnam, in order to better promote the exchange of trade in the field of intellectual property between the two countries.

For example, Vietnam also has a registration protection system, and registering first is the lowest cost measure to protect trademark rights and interests. After the trademark is rejected, litigation and administrative review can be directly chosen for relief. After the administrative review is completed, litigation relief can still be carried out, but the administrative procedure is time-consuming and difficult. In response to such a system, if the right holder needs time and procedures to wait for the issue of trademark rights obstacles, they can choose to conduct administrative procedures first and then litigation procedures to extend the time for relief; If you don't need time to solve the problem, you can directly choose administrative litigation in the court to shorten the time.

Vietnamese trademark classification has no sub-classes in each class. Examiners have a lot of discretion in determining whether the products are similar or not. When Chinese companies conduct brand layout and protection in Vietnam, they should pay special attention to the differences in these systems, try to find more professional institutions and carry out trademark layout in advance.

During the visit to Vietnam, ANDU also accompanied a delegation from the Chinese Trademark Association to visit and exchange views on the Vietnam Longjiang Industrial Park invested and developed by Zhejiang Qianjiang Investment Management Co., Ltd. in Vietnam. In recent years, the trade and investment activities between Vietnam and China have been continuously increasing, and Chinese enterprises have also regarded Vietnam as an important destination for industrial transfer. Trade communication between the two sides has become increasingly frequent. The person in charge of Vietnam's Longjiang Industrial Park stated that they had faced many difficulties in opening an industrial park in Vietnam, but now they are slowly making significant progress and development, and can contribute to the economic and trade cooperation between China and Vietnam.

Through this Vietnam inspection, ANDU followed the China Trademark Association to communicate with multiple parties, gaining a deep understanding of the economic and trade cooperation between China and Vietnam, as well as the similarities and differences in the field of intellectual property between the two sides. In the future, ANDU will continue to expand its international perspective and provide professional legal services for enterprises to "go global" and "bring in" between the two countries!



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